The Brass

Bucking norms to combat ageism.


Brand Strategy




Visual Identity


Voice + Messaging




The Ask


More than a career-coaching business, The Brass is a joyful platform that offers a holistic approach to self-discovery, breaking down barriers hindering progress, and building a career playbook for women in mid- to late-stage career transitions. The Brass came to Pact looking for a name and a brand identity that would help speak to empowering these women, while also challenging the biases and stereotypes they face in the workplace.


Mid-career women who are considering or in the midst of a career transition, industry change, role change, re-entering the workforce, or have been recently laid off. These women are smart, successful, and wise leaders with years of experience and marketable skills. However, in this time of transition, many of them feel undervalued, less confident, burnt out, unsupported, overwhelmed, or obsolete.


Buying into a “one-size-fits-all” career path and the perception that we are less valuable as we age prevents women from doing something bold with their careers. By replacing the language around ageism, challenging perceptions about competing with younger workers, and creating a new vocabulary for late stage careers, The Brass has the opportunity to help women design a career that works for them.

The Answer


We’re The Brass. The Badass Brass. The women with decades of experience under our belts and innate knowledge to share. We think ageism blows, so we’re here to remind the world that when it comes down to it, experience is everything. We’re sharp, strong, hella polished, and only getting brighter with age. We’ve earned the right to buck norms and do the work that works for us. Join our band of women who are truly the force in workforce, and design the career you really want.


We created an identity to capture the boldness of The Brass. It’s edgy but also editorial and mature. We combined brassy colors that represent poise and wisdom, with bright, shiny, vibrant hues for an unexpected, unfussy palette that’s decisive, uncompromising, and immediately recognizable. We also played with scale and taking up space on purpose. We want The Brass to be heard loud and clear, and not shy away or minimize anything. The logo is dynamic, with things breaking through, breaking boundaries, and breaking status quo.


Inspired by the idea of women coming together to challenge agism in the workplace, we came up with a name that would celebrate women banding together, getting loud, and being a force that’s hard to ignore. The Brass is also a term used to describe the head honchos in an organization, and this brand aims to instill that energy at every touchpoint. The voice is bold, confident, and sassy. We’re not afraid to challenge perceptions and get loud about what women need to succeed in their careers and in the workplace. Messaging also pulls in language that references qualities of brass instruments that are a double meaning with qualities in good employees: bright, polished, strong, shine, get loud, etc.

Logo Construction

Our logo is build out of a series of circles and a star intercepting it, alluding to shattering conventions and stereotypes, shining bright, and a compass guiding you towards your future.

Only Getting Brighter with Age

The star within the logo is used throughout the system to create a dynamic, easily recognizable system and reinforce the values and mission of The Brass.


"Pact took my vision and created a brand identity beyond my imagination. Our partnership was like nothing I've ever experienced in terms of collaboration, incredible creativity, strategic thinking, and being a sounding board."

Terry O'Connor, Founder


Natalia Kowaleczko / Tony Mingo / Sofia Llaguno / Michelle Weed / Michelle Busy / Caitlin Ballantyne / Maison Lafargue / Bolk Studio